September 20, 2020

Dear Parents, 

Today you’ll be teaching God is encouraging. A lot of kids wrestle with self-doubt and insecurity. (Am I smart enough? Am I pretty enough? Am I strong enough? Do people like me?) As you talk about God’s encouragement, find ways to encourage your kids. Set an example and give them words they need to hear.

As parents, I want to encourage you. You might feel taken for granted by your kids. Maybe you don’t get a lot of encouragement for what you do. So let me encourage you: You’re doing God’s work. You’re making a lasting difference. You’re touching your kids’ lives in ways you’ll never know…but God knows. Thank you for all you do! Keep up the good work; you’re amazing!

 Parents How to Teach this Lesson 

This lesson will help your child understand that God is encouraging.

1)  Start by reading the bible lesson. 

2)  After reading the lesson, watch the animated bible video. 

3)  Enjoy time together in worship and prayer. 

4)  Download and print the coloring page and activity sheet. 

On the Winning Side,

Migdalia “Mickey” Hernandez

Director - Bethel Kidz

Lesson: Paul Encourages Others During a Shipwreck

Lesson Introduction 

Today we’re going to learn that God is encouraging, so we encourage others. In our Bible story, a guy named Paul encouraged people on a boat in the middle of a storm. 

Dig Into the Bible Lesson 

·      Read: Acts 27 (NIV) –   Read    Listen

·      In This Passage: Paul is being transported as a prisoner on a ship when a violent storm threatens to sink the ship. But God encourages Paul, letting him know that no one on the ship will die when the ship wrecks. Paul passes on that encouragement, and everyone gets safely to shore.

·      Bible Point: God is encouraging…

·      Application: …so we encourage others.

·      Memory Verse: “Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power” (Ephesians 6:10).

·      Let’s Talk About It:  

In today’s story, Paul was put in prison for talking about Jesus. Paul and several other prisoners were put on a boat to head to Italy, where they would stand trial.  

Soon, strong winds started blowing, and it was hard to keep the ship on course! They tried to stay in the middle of the sea so they wouldn’t crash into the land when the wind blew. They sailed very slowly and tried to stop at one place, but the wind blew them to another place! They struggled against the wind, trying not to crash into the coast. By now, their journey had taken longer than it should have. It was late fall, and more storms would be coming. It was a dangerous time to travel! So Paul had an idea. ”Everyone, I think if we go on, we’ll be in trouble. We might shipwreck, lose cargo, and put our lives in danger. Let’s stop here.” Since Paul was just a prisoner, the officer in charge of the prisoners decided not to listen to him. Instead, he listened to the ship’s captain and kept going. They were in a harbor that was a bad place to spend the winter, so they decided to keep going.

That’s when things got really bad. They pulled up anchor and started sailing along the shore again. But then the wind changed into a hurricane! The ship was blown out to sea. The waves were so high! Some of the sailors got aboard the lifeboat behind the ship so they could tie ropes around the base of the ship to make it stronger. The next day, they set sail again. But the winds and waves were so strong! The crew tried to make the ship lighter by throwing cargo overboard. They even threw over important ship’s gear! But it didn’t help. Listen to how bad things were.

Acts 27:20 reads, “It had been many days since we had seen either sun or stars. Wind and waves were battering us unmercifully, and we lost all hope of rescue.” The Message Bible. 

The storm raged on. Everyone was scared and hungry. But then God sent an angel to give Paul an encouraging message. “Paul! Don’t be afraid. You’ll get to Italy and stand trial. In fact, God will keep everyone on your boat safe.” 

That’s what happened in the Bible! After God encouraged Paul, Paul told the rest of the passengers about God’s encouragement. Paul told everyone not to be afraid, and he said that although the ship would go down, everyone would be safe. But the storm wasn’t over! In fact, the boat was blown so close to shore that when they measured it, the water was only 90 feet deep. It wouldn’t be long before they crashed into the rocks! It was night, and with the clouds covering the moon it was so dark. They prayed for daylight.

They also tried to abandon ship. They lowered lifeboats to get on them, but Paul told them if anyone got off the boat, they would die. So they cut the lifeboats away and stayed on the ship.

As the day dawned, Paul told everyone to eat. They hadn’t eaten in two weeks, and they were getting weak. He reminded them not to worry, because no one would die. After eating, they threw the extra food overboard to lighten the ship even more.

As the sun rose higher, they saw a beach and thought maybe they could crash the ship into it. But they hit a pile of rocks underwater and crashed the ship too early! The soldiers wanted to kill the prisoners so they wouldn’t swim to shore and escape. But the commanding officer said no. So everyone swam or held on to pieces of wood from the broken ship and floated safely to shore.

God told Paul his plan to keep everyone safe, and Paul passed on that encouragement by telling the others on the boat. When we face scary times like Paul did, it’s easy to focus on our fears. But God is always with us, and we can turn to him for encouragement. Then we can encourage others by sharing why we trust God! We trust God for encouraging us, so we encourage others.

·      Wrap Up & Prayer

In our Bible story, Paul’s ship crashed! Everyone had to swim to shore or hold on to a piece of wood from the broken boat to float to shore. Let’s imagine we have pieces of the shipwreck as we pray for other people. Let’s get these people safely to shore by praying for them!

 “We thank you Lord that during this difficult time your word promises that you will never leave us or forsake us (ref. Deuteronomy 31:6).

God, thank you for being so encouraging! Help us pass on your encouragement to those who need it, just like Paul did. 

In Jesus’ name, amen.”


The Adventures of Paul – Shipwreck 

Watch Video:

Let’s Talk About It: After watching the video uses these questions to talk about today’s lesson. 

Today’s Bible story was scary! What a crazy storm! I sure wouldn’t have wanted to be on that boat! 


·      Tell about a time you were afraid. 

·      What’s something encouraging someone has said to you when you were scared?

·      What can you say to encourage someone who is afraid? 

 Video Wrap-Up: God is encouraging, so we encourage others. When we’re scared or worried, we can turn to God for encouragement. And we can be part of God’s encouragement to others, too!

Bethel Kidz - Let’s Worship God Together!

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Coloring & Activity Sheets 

Coloring Page 

Activity Sheet


Keep on engaging your children throughout

 the week with these great resources!

·       The Bible App for Kids

·        Veggie Tales - YouTube Channel

·      The Beginners Bible – Animated Bible Stories

·       Superbook – The Bible Alive!  English    Español

·      Focus on the Family: Adventures in Odyssey – Whits' End

·      Jesus Song with Lyrics from Saddleback Kids - Watch Video

·        7 Coronavirus Questions from Kids & How to Answer Using the Bible

·  English   Español

 Come back next Sunday as we continue The Bible in One Year and learn how God gives Ruth and Naomi a good friendship!